La cantidad de
comentarios despectivos que ha generado la actuación de Miley Cyrus en los VMA
es impresionante, comentarios que insultan y denigran a una chica de 19 20 años.
Independientemente de que existan motivos
legítimos para criticarla, la forma en que el público y los medios se están
ensañando con ella, agrediéndola de forma personal, me parece repugnante. Por
otro lado, es curioso que a Robin Thicke, de 36 años, que se subió con ella al
escenario para cantar su éxito Blurred Lines (ese
que hace apología de la violación), nadie lo señale.
artículo que merece la pena
leer al respecto:
would be foolish to pretend, though, that the majority of the people making
jokes about the size of her ass or bemoaning how “slutty” she has become are
well-versed in the more nuanced reasons as to why her persona might be worthy
of criticism. Most people are just looking for an easy way to trash a child
star, an activity that has reached the level of near-national sport in America . When
we are fed such a filtered, managed image of a human being for so many years —
an image so thoroughly scrubbed for family-friendliness that we begin to doubt
their humanity at all — it’s a particularly cathartic experience to see them
fall. Hannah Montana was so pure, in such a manufactured way. Miley Cyrus gets
to be dragged through the mud as a “gross slut,” and that is fun. That is the
downfall her story arc was always looking for.
voraciousness with which people have gone after Cyrus, though, the joy we take
in watching other stars look upon her performance disdainfully, seems nearly
unmatched in pop culture. People trip over themselves to come up with the most
cruel joke about the size of Miley’s ass, or the lewdness of her dance moves,
or the vulgarity of her rubbing against married father Robin Thicke (who was
very much a participant in her grinding, it should be noted). People cannot
wait to express how much they hate her, how flailing her attempts are at
participating in hip-hop culture, how embarrassed her father should be. (Speaking
personally, I highly doubt that the father who encouraged her to participate in
such delirious levels of stardom at such a young age would have much to say
about nearly anything that makes her a lot of money and garners attention, but
that is just speculation.)"
"And boy, we do not miss a single opportunity to
hate her for it. There is a distinct point at which the valid criticisms of
what the machine behind Miley, and Miley herself, is attempting to sell becomes
something much more sinister. There is a point at which it goes from discussing
the reasons you might not like an artist or disagree with her message, to
taking a chance to swipe at every girl who has ever enjoyed herself or gone
through a period of self-discovery by dressing and acting like Miley does. There
is a moment when it goes from
being fair, to being cruel. And though I’m not exactly sure where that moment
is, I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere around the hashtag #mileyasssmallerthan."
Re: Miley- the commodification of women of color deserves big discussion. "Hey, someone put a shirt on this dumb bitch!" doesn't.— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) August 27, 2013
*Y algunos más que han ido apareciendo en las últimas horas, que tratan las cuestiones problemáticas de su actuación:
No he entendido muy bien tanto revuelo, creo que tiene que ver con ese puritanismo fingido que tienen los norteamericanos.
ResponderEliminarNi yo tampoco. ¿Su vestimenta? ¿Su actuación? Cosas peores se han visto, la verdad. Y como María -y el artículo- dice, ¿se la comen a ella por algo que hicieron dos? Por favor.
EliminarMucha doble moral.
No tiene nada que ver con "puritanismo americano". La actuacion de Miley no tiene buen gusto, pero, ella no hace mas que reflejar una cultura que sexualiza a las niñas, donde, si una cantante quiere destacar, tiene que desnudarse y la cual nos dice a las mujeres que desnudarnos es "empoderador". Completamente de acuerdo contigo con lo que dices de Mr. Thicke. Aqui todo el mundo la pone verde a ella, y nadie habla de el.